Author: Harry Harrison
Copyright: 1980
Date Reviewed:   1/1/84
Rating: 7.5


Jan Kulozik is a member of the elite engineer class. Comfortable in his environment of power plants he in 'unaware of the totalitarian government suppression and the history which it has rewritten. Jan become involved with an Israeli spy named Sarah and helps her and her associates in their revolution. His missions include helping another agent escape from and Ireland work camp and transporting a communications tape to and agent in Near Earth Orbit.

This book started out with a very interesting premise. A couple of totalitarian government rewrites history and enforces a strict class system. The only free nation is Israel which is run as a democracy. It was pure coincidence that I read this book, in one day, on January 1, 1984. Unfortunately the story deteriorates into a simple spy novel with few global implications and almost no plot. It is however well written and at least difficult to put down. The book ended (last 5 pages) with a unexpected twist that was sad and effective.